Laci Jordan
“My art is a reflection of my everyday life.”
What have you been working on? Gas yourself!
Personally: I've been strengthening my mental health and confidence. I'm preparing to completely and utterly unstoppable. I've also been resting. Professionally/Creatively: I've been carving a ton of time out to create freely and explore various mediums/ideas. I'm in a space of figuring out what's next and what I want my world to look like. Strategy & exploration.
How does your culture inform your creative work?
My art is a reflection of my everyday life. Culture is naturally embedded in that. One doesn't work without the other for me.
What is your greatest struggle/challenge these days?
Balance between resting, creating, client work, and figuring out what's next.
What does community mean for you as a creative?
The world. I'm inspired, championed, and uplifted by my community.. which is one of the things that keeps me going. So many opportunities come from my community, both online and IRL. I also like to create and collab with my community. Create things that inspire the people around me and create with people that I'm inspired by.
What inspires you in your creative process?
Being present in real life.
Is there anything happening in your community that you'd like to shed some light on?
Support Black Creatives Always.