Hosanna Hali
“I cannot be everything to everyone at all times.”
What is one thing you do for self-care?
I prioritise the things that are good for me mentally, physically and spiritually. This means recognising that I am more than just my job and focusing on hobbies that make me feel good and help me grow. For me this is mainly exercise, I am Pilates girl and this helps which helps with both physical and mental health.
Working, maintaining relationships, and taking time for yourself can be difficult. How do you center yourself and keep balance in your life?
I try to remember that I cannot be everything to everyone at all times. There is a reason they say you need to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. I try and do one thing that is just for me everyday and sometimes this mean physically blocking the time out of my diary to ensure I remember to do it and to create a clear boundary that everyone else has to follow.
Describe what you do to unwind.
Reading is a fundamental part of unwinding for me, it is a form of entertainment and escape. It helps me to relax and reset myself after a day of responsibilities.
What are you most proud of?
The fact that I am a source of inspiration for young girls who look like me and may never have had representation before. It is the one thing that keeps me going both in my corporate job and with the platform.
What is your greatest struggle/challenge in building a life of ease?
Fighting against the expectations that everyone has of me. It can be tough balancing what I want to do vs what everyone expects me to do.
What does “protecting your peace” mean to you, and what advice would you give to others who want to do this?
Protecting my peace means not always having to engage and respond. My advice would be to try to switch off the things that impact you negatively. This can mean unfollowing people on social media, not picking up the phone to a family member or not engaging in certain conversations. It's important to understand what has a negative effect on you and do your best to minimise it.