COVID-19 Policy
The CultureCon organizers are currently monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation carefully and daily to ensure the safety of our attendees, speakers, and staff. With this mind, we plan on updating this page on a regular basis.
To ensure safety, we plan on taking the following health precautions:
We will have a licensed Nurse on site, during duration of the conference.
We will work with a health coordinator to ensure all health precautions are followed.
We will have hand sanitizer stationed at the entrance, food stations, rooms and various locations throughout the conference.
We will regularly sanitize all surfaces throughout the event space and communicate with the venue to do the same.
We will ask that anyone planning to attend, that believes they may have been exposed to the Coronavirus during travel, or feeling under the weather, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath, to refrain from joining us this year for the safety of other attendees.
You have been diagnosed with COVID within five (5) days of the Conference;
Within five (5) days of the conference, you have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID, such as fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, or any other COVID symptoms identified by the CDC;
You believe you were exposed to an individual with COVID within five (5) days of the Conference and have not since taken and received a negative COVID test.